
Outsourcing Defined:

In this article I will define you what is outsourcing? In sort definition of

outsourcing is any task, operation, job or process that could be performed by

employees within your company, but is instead contracted to a third party for

a significant period of time. In addition, the functions that are performed

by the third party can be performed on-site or off-site.

In other definition we can say that outsourcing is the delegation of projects

or jobs to a sub-contractor who could be based in the same country or outside

the country. The word outsourcing has been used a lot nowadays. Outsourcing

is a work place strategy that improves profitability. Outsourcing saves time

and money. It's about holding on and letting go at the same time. Outsourcing

can help you succeed.

"Outsourcing" involves transferring or sharing management control and/or

decision-making of a business function to an outside supplier, which involves

a degree of two-way information exchange, coordination and trust between the

outsourcer and its client. Such a relationship between economic entities is

qualitatively different from traditional relationships between buyer and

seller of services in that the economic entities involved in an "outsourcing"

relationship dynamically integrate and share management control of the labor

process rather than enter in contracting relationships where both entities

remain separate in the coordination of the production of goods and services.

Outsourcing is an essential management tool in today's global economy.

Outside market factors force organizations to rethink their business

processes. This is where outsourcing has become a viable way to create

competitive advantages for organizations and unique value to an

organization's customers.

Thanks for reading this article.

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