Six Free Tips For Online Earning

If you are a new blogger then you need some good tips that I have provided below.
Now let's get started with my special Tips:

Tips-1: At first you need to Set up your blog site. You will need to decide what you are going to blog about. You should decide on a theme and name your blog appropriately. There are a number of free ways to set up a blog & to have it hosted for free. We will go with for our first blog. Blogger will allow you to set up a blog for free they will host it for free and they will ping search engines every time you update, meaning you will get spidered & found. Visit & click the button on the front page labelled 'create your blog now' then follow the step by step instructions that Blogger provide.

Tips-2: Try to write some attractive content. Before we move any further there has to be some information on the site & that means that you have to make some entries. You can write some of these entries yourself & some can be quotes from sites of interest to your reader that you can post using the Google Toolbar. You can download the Google toolbar for free at The toolbar includes a Blogger button. When you visit a site that has something of interest to your readers you can highlight the appropriate text & click the Blogger button. The content will then be added to your blog along with a link back to the site.

Tips-3: The third tips for you that once you have some content e.g. a weeks worth of blogging with 1 or 2 entries for everyday, you can apply for an adsense account. When you sign into Blogger you will see an invitation to join Adsense. Use this link and apply for an account. You can find out all about Adsense on the Adsense page but basically you get Google ads on your site & get paid if your visitor clicks them. Google will decide what adverts show on your site based on the content it finds within. You need to be aware that Google will decline your application if your site is not considered to have content. Nobody outside of Google knows the precise rules on this. Once you have been accepted you can get some java script from Google to add to you site. Copy this & then log in to Blogger.

Tips-4: Always you should write some more content. Try and keep your content coming at regular intervals as a number of directories will check on your site at regular intervals & the smarter ones will visit on a schedule based on your update schedule. They will probably determine this in the hours after you first submit to them. Which is what we will do next?

Tips-5: To get numbers of visitor you should submit your site to Blog & RSS directories. Because you are hosting at Blogger, will already be notified when you update your blog .That means that every time you make a new entry they are automatically notified you will need to manually submit to the various other directories some of which will require a link on your site to theirs. You can add these links to your template below your Blogger logo.

Tips-6: Always you should try to write interesting and informative content. Ideally you want people to come back again and again. As with customers its harder to get a new visitor than to keep existing visitors. So make it so interesting, that they can't help but tell all their friends about it also.

Thanks for reading this article.

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