Earn Money With Google Adsense

How to Make Money with Google

If you are a pro blogger or a website owner and also if you are thinking about putting Google Adsense advertising to your website, there are some most important questions to consider:

1. What is Google AdSense?
2. How much money will I make from Google?
3. How do I calculate my Earnings?
4. How much revenue will I make from my website?
5. How much will I earn using AdSense for Content?
6. How much will I earn using AdSense for Search?

What is Google AdSense?

You can think of 'AdSense' as a new business opportunity. It's completely free. Yes, it's an opportunity for you to make money from your own website.

How much money will I make from Google?

There are two type of advertisement in google Adsense program and they are :

1. AdSense for Content.

2. AdSense for Search.

Based on our experience , as estimation, you can expect to earn 97% of your Google money from AdSense for Content, compared with just 3% coming from AdSense for Search.

To put it another way, for every $3.00 you earn from AdSense for Search, you can estimate that you will earn $97.00 from AdSense for Content.

Now you can realize that what kinds of ad you will add your website for your better earning.

How do I Calculate my Earnings?

Try this handy AdSense Calculator. It's completely free and it will give you an accurate earnings forecast.

However, if you are not familiar with the terminology, I have provided a few rough estimates below, based on my experiences at Quick on the Net.

All you need to do is know (or estimate) is your number of unique website visitors per day. I've done the sums based on some reliable statistics, so you just need to check out the grand totals below.

How much money will I make from my Website?

The estimates below are based on certain assumptions. Let's assume that:

1) Every visitor to your website views 2 web pages which contain Ads by Google. This will create 2 page impressions per site visitor.

2) You have an average Page CTR of 3.5%. This means that 3.5 Google Ads are clicked for every 100 pages viewed on your website.

3) You earn $0.25 per click. Remember, these are estimates and assumptions. Some Google Ads will only pay $0.01 per click, whereas others will pay a few dollars per click.

4) You are getting a broad mix of clicks from AdSense for Content and also from AdSense for Search.

Please consider that the page impression count is only based on web pages with advertising. Pages which do not have ads will not be registered in your AdSense toolkit reports. With that in mind, if you wish to boost your income, it is a good idea to place your adverts above the page fold (above the scroll bar break) and remember to feature advertising on your home page, the most important page on your website.

My Website has 10,000 Unique Visitors per Day !

10,000 unique visitors = 20,000 page impressions per day.
20,000 page impressions multiplied by 3.5% Page CTR = 700 Google Ad clicks per day.
700 clicks multiplied by $0.25 = $175.00 per day.
$175.00 per day = $5,250.00 per month.
$175.00 per day = $63,875.00 per year.

In summary, your rough estimate for 10,000 unique visitors per day is $63,875.00 per year.

My Website has 1,000 Unique Visitors per Day !

1,000 unique visitors = 2,000 page impressions per day.
2,000 page impressions multiplied by 3.5% Page CTR = 70 Google Ad clicks per day.
70 clicks multiplied by $0.25 = $17.50 per day.
$17.50 per day = $525.00 per month.
$17.50 per day = $6,387.50 per year.

In summary, your rough estimate for 1,000 unique visitors per day is $6,387.50 per year.

My Website has 100 Unique Visitors per Day!

100 unique visitors = 200 page impressions per day.
200 page impressions multiplied by 3.5% Page CTR = 7 Google Ad clicks per day.
7 clicks multiplied by $0.25 = $1.75 per day.
$1.75 per day = $52.50 per month.
$1.75 per day = $638.75 per year.

AdSense for Content

Google AdSense is a quick and easy way for website owners to display Google Ads on their website. When people visit your website and click the Google Ads, you get paid money. Simple!

The advertising served up by Google is related to what your visitors are looking for on your site. In other words, it's context sensitive. For example, if your website is about 'recruitment', then you can be pretty sure that the presentation of 'Ads by Google' on your site will also be about recruitment.

In fact, it's even better than that. Google AdSense is looking at the content of each and every web page on your website. So, this means that the content of the Google Advertising will align with the information on each web page in your site.

It's completely automatic and you don't need to worry about it.

AdSense for Search

This feature will allow you to add a Google Search Bar to your own website. So, this means that visitors to your website can use the Google Search Bar and search for information contained in your site.

And what's more, when a search is performed, the search engine returns Google AdSense advertising in the search results. Once again, it's fully automatic and the advertisements are directly related to the search query.

Now here's the good bit! When people click your Search Ads (these are the sponsored ads), you are paid money. It's a pay per click scheme, so you can make money as people use your search bar.

For example, if you search for 'hotels on the moon', this means that the 'Ads by Google' in the search results will also be about hotels on the moon.

Don't worry if you are not using search technology directly within your site. Once again, it's all taken care of. For example, it will work perfectly well on a simple HTML site.

How do I put Google AdSense on my Website?

Firstly, you need to SIGN-UP to Google AdSense.

Now, log into the AdSense toolkit and go to 'Content' or 'Search', according to your preference. For example, if you wish to display some advertising in your site, go to 'AdSense for Content'.

Select your options from:

'Ad unit' or 'Link unit'
Colours (Colour palettes - select a default palette or create a unique palette for your own website)
Your AdSense Code (this is the code you will 'copy' and 'paste' onto your web page)

Edit the web page which where you intend to 'paste' in the code
Click on <>
Paste in the AdSense Code
Save the page

Thanks for reading this article.

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