There are several ways of earn money online but write and earn money online is totally free, flexible, legitimate and also comfortable too. If you are a good writer you can earn a lot of revenue. You can earn money by writing research paper, document, term paper, public service article etc.
The earning platform of all the above is Academia Research ; That means
How it works:
At first you need to fill up an application form online. Then you need to submit 2pic of writing in specific format as sample. After uploading your sample writing you should need to cheek that you have passed and if you pass your account will be activated. Then you will get access to the writers’ online panel. You will get the link of available orders in index page. You should need to click ` view and get` button on the left to get details of the orders listed. You can read details information and instructions, massage and download files sent by customer in a order page. You need to click ` get order` button to get an order. When you will click then should need wait for admin confirmation massage sent to your e-mail inbox. After confirmation letter receipt from the authority you need write only.
1. Your writing must be unique, standard and specific format.
2. You should avoid plagiarism. Always be honest about to name the source that you use of writing.
3. You must accept and adhere the terms and conditions of services.
4. Always you should do your job as a professional in the field of content and presentation.
Method of Payment:
Up to 20$ per page you may earn. You will always receive your payment twice a month. Your payment payable monthly via check, wires transfer, paypal.
Deadline of your work:
To complete your work/task/job you have a specific time limit. If you really want to enlarge your time you have to contact with them immediately with a request to extend the time.
Thanks for reading this article.
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